Preventing an Eldercare Crisis

Marin County is aging. 

More than 14,000 Marin residents born between 1946 and1964 will develop dementia in their golden years. They will require care, compassion, and a helping hand from loved ones and our county government. Just two percent of our Health and Human services budget is devoted to care for the aging. I know we can do better.

I am by nature a problem solver. Two degrees in nuclear physics, Mayor of Larkspur, CEO of a technology company.

This I know. The time to fix a problem is before it becomes a crisis.

Public officials are supposed to lead. It’s what I intend to do as your next Supervisor.

Reducing the Risk of Floods

Our climate is changing. The Sea is rising. The heavens will again deliver torrential downpours that will flood our streets, invade our homes and devastate our communities.

When that happens, we’ll wonder why those who could have done something didn’t.

The time to prevent it is now. Before it happens.

I am by nature a problem solver. Two degrees in nuclear physics, Mayor of Larkspur, CEO of a technology company.

This I know. The time to fix a problem is before it becomes a crisis.

Public officials are supposed to lead. It’s what I intend to do as your next Supervisor.

Solving our Housing Problem

The skyrocketing cost of housing in Marin County is costing all of us.

As housing prices force some to leave Marin County, we’re left with fewer workers who can afford to live here. Fewer teachers. Fewer carpenters and electricians. Fewer police, firemen, emergency responders. Fewer young families that can ill-afford the cost of raising a family here.

We desperately need more affordable green energy housing.

I am by nature a problem solver. Two degrees in nuclear physics, Mayor of Larkspur, CEO of a technology company.

This I know. The time to fix a problem is before it becomes a crisis.

Public officials are supposed to lead. It’s what I intend to do as your next Supervisor.

A Solution to Skyrocketing Rents

The cost of housing in Marin is costing all of us.

The skyrocketing cost of rent is crimping the household budgets of too many seniors, too many families, too many workers who can’t afford a home in one of the most expensive counties in the country.

The housing shortage was not caused by renters. It was caused by short sighted public officials who allowed housing to skyrocket.  We have to find a better way to keep renters housed while keeping landlords in business:

Protecting seniors and vulnerable tenants from no-fault evictions.

Preventing Teen Drug Abuse

In the last 12 months, more than 100,000 Americans died from a drug overdose.

Marin County is not immune. Teen drug use is twice the California average. The fentanyl epidemic is getting worse, not better. 

Getting ahead of this scourge will be one of my priorities as your next Supervisor.  As the parent of two young children, this issue is deeply personal.

I am by nature a problem solver. Two degrees in nuclear physics, Mayor of Larkspur, CEO of a technology company. I am also a parent who believes the greatest gift we can give our young is a great start in life.

Preventing Wildfires

A warming planet will soon put 90,000 properties at risk from wildfires.

Right here in Marin County. 

When it happens, there will be people who lose their homes and everything they own. Businesses will be destroyed. Jobs lost. Entire communities devastated.

When it happens, we’ll wonder why those who could have done something didn’t.

The time to prevent it is now.

We can. With controlled burns, updating our building codes, reducing vegetation near buildings, and by installing state of the art technology to spot fires before they grow. 

I am by nature a problem solver. Two degrees in nuclear physics, Mayor of Larkspur, CEO of a technology company.

This I know. The time to fix a problem is before it becomes a crisis.

Public officials are supposed to lead. It’s what I intend to do as your next Supervisor.